Thursday, April 22, 2010

A great obit

Of course I read page B2 of The Mankato Free Press every day. Sometimes there is just a great, well-written obit on the page. This was one of those days.

Warren Harding Latourelle

"...Warren was born on the family farm in Danville Township, Blue Earth County, Minnesota on April 4th,1921. His parents were Sherman and Edith (Schultz) Latourelle. Doctor Carl Lembke of Minnesota Lake was the attending physician. 'Doc' told his parents he was such a fine baby boy that they should name him after the President, and so they did."

I love it!


Kara B said...

This - and that interview you did with the author of the obituary book - is making me think of obituaries in a whole new way. I like it! And there's something beautiful about giving people one last life through a good obituary.

Christina Rodriguez said...

This is great. It gives a charming, honest tidbit about the man's life that even perfect strangers can enjoy. Makes me want to learn more about who he was.