Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jennifer Egan's slideshow

Wow, I love this so much! Jennifer Egan did a great job mapping out her latest book on, of all things, PowerPoint! I'm so inspired.

Friday, May 21, 2010

OK, this is scary (and not just because it's a massive run-on sentence)

From Publisher's Marketplace:

Senior intelligence officer and author of THE INTELLIGENCE WARS Steven Ohern's IRAN'S REVOLUTIONARY GUARD, in which he states that no organization or country -- not al Qaeda, North Korea, Russia, or China -- poses a greater threat to the United States and they will soon possess the ability to send Americans back to the nineteenth century by a single Iranian nuclear weapon exploded high above a Midwestern city, whose resulting electromagnetic pulse emitted by a high altitude nuclear detonation could destroy computers, consumer electronics, and, most critically, hundreds of large transformers that distribute the country's electricity, wiping out America's lights, refrigerators, water pumping stations, and televisions, leaving 300 million Americans without food or water.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thoughts on rejection

Nathan Bransford hits it right on, in my opinion. With "maturity," I'm finally seeing it more this way. The truth is, not everyone is going to like your book, whether it's an agent who's seeing the manuscript or a reader who gets it as a book. I really doubt there are too many agents who beat themselves up after seeing something they passed on get published and do well. Well, maybe a few!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Guess who's "writing" a memoir? (May 4 edition)

None other than my very own guv, Tim Pawlenty. Awwwww....

From Publisher's Marketplace:
"Minnesota governor (and possible 2012 presidential candidate) Tim Pawlenty's memoir, including reflections on his life, career and vision for America..."

Publication is 2011. He's getting himself all ready for 2012, isn't he?