Saturday, December 19, 2009

A book I'm so excited about

I'm reading ANNE FRANK: THE BOOK, THE LIFE, THE AFTERLIFE by Francine Prose. Good reviews convinced me to buy it. I've always been captivated by the diary. I'm not very far into the book, but so far it's intriguing. Prose looks at the diary as a piece of literature and posits that Anne approached the writing of the diary very much like a professional writer would approach the creation of a piece intended for an audience. If Anne was indeed that astute, it makes her diary even that much more remarkable. I didn't realize the diary had gone through so much actual revision by Anne herself.

I finished UNDER THE DOME in three weeks. I was proud of myself for doing so, considering I was at my busiest, working about 60 hours a week. I thought it was great. How Stephen King can keep people wanting to turn the page over the course of 1,100 pages is remarkable. I found some of the characters a bit cliched, but oh well, it was a slick read.

Grading and writing

Grades submitted as of about a half-hour ago. Major alleluia. I survived 10 weeks of teaching two classes and working full-time. Not quite sure how. Oh yes, I remember--I barely did any of my own writing!

I should take that back. I managed to get in an hour or two once a week. I'm progressing along with the manuscript. I dare say I would like to be finished before the next semester starts. I need to sit down in the next couple of days and make a plan for finishing the last few chapters (four chapters?). Wow, if I had just four left, that would be amazing, but I think it's these four that need to be tinkered with the most.