Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Writing vs. editing

Why would I rather work on something brand new than edit? I think it's because the new piece is fresh, it has potential, no one has rejected it or critiqued it yet. I have two pieces right now that need editing, but a new essay is calling. I only have a couple of hours. What to do?

1 comment:

Kara B said...

I recently heard an author with about eight books under her belt say that this is a problem she and all her writing friends have: Your next writing idea is ALWAYS more interesting than whatever you're working on right now. I think you should let your creativity run free every once in a while to write something new, but you have to recognize if it's a one-time digression or if you're really, subconsciously, just trying to avoid the hard work of editing.

I'd love to see your writing some time!