Wednesday, March 11, 2009

All a-Twitter

It took well over a year, but I finally see the value (and fun) of Twitter. I signed up long ago and left it be. Just another thing to check. And I didn't quite "get it." I found myself frustrated over what I saw as "user-unfriendliness" (and still do, actually).

But the tide turned in California. I'm not cool, so I have just a regular cell phone, not a Web-browsing gadget. So all I had was my phone during the long, wet, cold days on the road waiting for the cyclists. But Twitter could keep me updated as to where the cyclists were and what was going on. I loved it!

I got a kick out of getting updates from Lance Armstrong and Johan Bruyneel. Yes, the updates are going out to about a zillion other people, but it indeed is them at the other end.

I like the search functionality of Twitter. I'm going to try to use it to get sources for a book on identity theft I'm doing for Marshall Cavendish. If that works, that will make my day.

In browsing agent blogs, I just heard about #queryfail. Hilarious! What a wonderful idea.

I'm at

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