Friday, January 29, 2010


OK, I am far removed from my teenage years, but I'm reading TWILIGHT. I wanted something easy to read as I travel to and from Miami this week. Stephanie Meyer has been criticized by literary circles for her writing. And I say the writing is clunky at times. But yet I keep reading. And I went to NEW MOON, and was surprised by how much I liked it.

Here's why, and here's why I think these books are a success even if they aren't exactly "literary." Meyer taps into the exact emotions I remember experiencing as a teenage girl. Oh my gosh, I remember being completely obsessed and gaga over beautiful boys. Trying to catch his eye at lunch, or analyzing for hours one sentence he may have said to me, or feeling the butterflies at the realization that he might actually like me. Swoon! Meyer transports me back to that time, and her target audience is right in that time. No wonder it's so appealing.

1 comment:

Kara B said...

I just read Twilight, too! Finished it two weeks ago. I haven't moved on to New Moon yet, but I plan to eventually. So I haven't felt that all-consuming impulse to keep reading that others feel, but I can see why they do. She DOES know her audience, and I agree with you she taps into them very effectively.